Exam Day

 The exam was exactly how I expected it. I think my strengths would be having enough time to review my questions and essays. I was able to throughly process each and every question, while also reading the passages. I also brainstormed before I began each essay, and that made it easier for me to write. My weaknesses would be not being able to somewhat fully focus. Towards the end, I saw myself giving up and not being able to finish. Somethings kind of made my mind start malfunctioning causing me to panic. I did not give up though; I finished everything. The "hard" part is over and I am glad I learned what I learned. I believe if you didn't practice, then there is no way you could have done this test. I am a little anxious about my results, but then again I don't believe tests truly determine a person's knowledge. All I can do is leave it up to the universe. #3orbetter #wemadeit #4lyfersss 


  1. big pur ๐Ÿ˜‹ what kept distracting you? I’m super glad you ain’t give up! We don’t quit over here ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿฟ‍♀️


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